Crystal Charging Instructions

  1. Place crystals out just after sunset on the night of the full moon, the more natural the surface the better. Place stones directly on the earth if you can if not a tray or box works just fine. If outside is not an option you may set crystals in a windowsill where they will get direct moonlight. As you set each crystal out name something that you would like to let go of, you can name the same thing over and over or choose a new thing for each crystal. Try to stick with 5 or less so that you don’t decrease your vibrations.
  2. Pull them in the next morning. Its nice to give them a little reboot with the suns energy but not for too long.
  3. Charge your crystals with intentions. Once you have them back inside you want to get them charge with whatever intentions you desire. You may charge them individually or together as a group. Hold the crystals in you hand, close your eyes, and speak the intention into them. Some examples may be “I speak love into this Rose Quartz to help support my relationship.” “I speak healing energy into this Citrine crystal to support good health.” “I speak protection into this Amethyst crystal to protect me from negative energy.” It is best to not let others handle your crystals once you have them charged as though they can absorb the energy of others.
  4. Close the charging ritual with a thank you prayer. A simple “Thank you Mother Earth for the ways you support our life and a humble bow to the crystals for all of the work that they do.”